Friday, December 27, 2013

Colts, Colts, and MORE Colts

Here at the ranch we sure love the spring time and watching all the colts that are being born. However, now that all of those colts are being weaned we love to put our time and work into gentling them. The men not only teach these little guys but also learn so much from them! (I think the men learn more from the colts about patience then the colts learn from them!!)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hutchings Performance Horse Sale

Upcoming Sale that Double Dollar will be Cosigning in with some great Mares, Foals, and Geldings!

  • Don't miss your chance to add a great mare to your program out of our famous "Frosty" stud!

    • We are reducing our brood mare herd down and these mares and foals are hard to let go!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

14th Annual Double Dollar Performace Horse Sale

June 22-23, 2013 in the Reno Livestock Event Center!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A long cattle drive

Last week the Double Dollar crew moved a bunch of longhorn cattle across the valley to a new field.
The start of the long journey.

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The cows followed behind Austin in the tractor. This was his first cattle drive and he just learned how to drive the tractor a couple days before.
Hailey’s high school team roping partner, Hagen, came along to help.
Cowboy Jack and Cowgirl Reese! Reese has loved riding Beau and he’s become her favorite. He is so good to her and Reese’s mom never worries when she’s riding him. Little did Reese know that this would be her last time riding him. A wonderful couple from California purchased Beau soon after the cattle drive.
Hailey and her friend Kyle.
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We are so thankful to those who came and helped us. It wouldn’t have been possible without all of our wonderful friends
And they made it!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Horse Sale 2013!

HORSE SALE SCHEDULED FOR 2013! - Double Dollar's 14th Annual Performance Horse Sale will be June 22-23, 2013 in Reno, NV. The Performance Horse Sale runs in conjunction with the BFI, Reno Rodeo, the Perry Diloreto, the All-Girls Invitational and World Series Ropings. We are taking 20 additional spots available for consignor horses. This is on a first come, first serve basis. Plan on arriving by June 21st, Previews are on June 22nd and 23rd the SALE date will be June 23rd, 2013.

As more information comes available we will put the updates here!

To view the flyer please click here.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Greg and the Dogs


Dogs play an important role is herding cattle. We’ve had our fair share of dogs come and go and just this past year we have been able to get a good herd of border collies going. It takes time and patience to train the dogs and Greg always says, “The meaner the better!”

This past summer we had three men from our Life Skills Program and each was in charge of one dog. They did a good job getting the pups ready for some serious training.

Here is a list of the dogs and what their talents are according to Greg:

Hotchie: Is a one year old male out of Kyle Stott’s dog. He is very obedient and loyal and follows Greg’s every move. Unfortunately, he worries too much about what Greg things but is gaining more confidence and guts!

Spike:  Will be one in March. Male and is also out of Kyle Stott's dog. He is very obedient for a pup. He looks into the situation before acting and will make an excellent dog.

Scar, Pepper, and Stubbs: Will all be one in March as well.

For such a young herd these dogs are really doing a great job and coming along great! It sure makes things go a lot faster and more efficient with good dogs around!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life Skills Recovery Ranch

One of the most exciting things that is happening here at the ranch is the opening of our Life Skills Recovery Ranch program. We feel so blessed that we have been given the opportunity to give back to those who made need it. We have a beautiful ranch that we wish to share and feel like this program is just that. We feel so thankful to the men that have come to LSRR and want more to come and experience that same success that we’ve seen others accomplish.

At Life Skills Recovery Ranch, our goals focus on the merging of the 12 step recovery principles and applied work ethic. The daily practices of LSRR allow the Intern’s to experience foundational successes as witnessed in the daily accomplishments achieved by the work of their own hands. Through these achievements men develop a deep sense of pride and commitment to their endeavors. It is during these periods that we are able to pursue individual strengths and passions for life skills they would like to develop.
Abstinence combined with the responsibility required by this new way of life and the application of recovery principles demonstrates to our Interns a successful lifestyle. With extended exposure in this experience, the agent of change becomes deep-seated, new self-identities are built and the potential for long term sobriety increases greatly.
*It is important to note that it takes time to grow accustomed to the hard work and long day’s lifestyle. Although, the initial transition may be tough, it is worth all the effort as change is realized, accepted and even appreciated as interns come to realize their capabilities through productivity.

More information can be found at Life Skills Recovery Ranch


60 proven Horned Roping Heifers! Mostly solid colored, wormed, vaccinated and ready to breed. They all were running hard and straight, no tricks after one year of Roping. Priced at $550 to $700; price depends how many you want to purchase and whether or not you want to hand select.
200 head of our leasing Roping steers for sale between now and March 1st - 200 head if roping cattle will be ready to go come March 1st. This will be first come, first selection now.

FMI Call 435-795-2626 or email Double Dollar Livestock



World Series of Team Roping Schedule

We are excited to announce the World Series of Team Roping schedule for 2013!
April 26-27: Ogden, UT
May 25-26: Salina, UT
July 12-13: Heber City, UT
August 16-17: Heber City, UT
Sept 13-14: Heber City, UT
As we get the fliers made we will be posting them here. We are looking forward to a year a great roping!